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v-model:arg & v-bind.sync

Both Vue 2 and 3 have v-model for a two-way binding of one prop between parent and child components (See here how @vue-bridge/runtime handles Vue 2/3 differences for you). But that's not the point here, this is:

Both versions also offer a way to add more than one two-way binding, but do so using different template syntax:

<my-component v-model="name" v-bind:age.sync="age" />
<my-component v-model="name" v-model:age="age" />

These are incompatible on the compiler level - one will always fail when compiled for the other version. So you cannot use this syntax.


This syntax is just as shorthand, "syntax sugar", for using v-bind and v-on. If you write it "long form", everything will work as expected in both versions:

  v-on:update:age="age = $event"

Your users can use this!

This restriction applies to usage inside your own library code. Consumers of your library will use your components already compiled for Vue 2 or Vue 3 and are free to use the respective shorthand syntax on your components as they do on others.


  rules: {
    'vue/no-deprecated-v-bind-sync': 'error',
    'vue/no-v-model-argument': 'error',

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