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Vue-Bridge is a project aiming to make it easier for Vue-Library Authors to write, test and build libraries that support both Vue 2 and Vue 3. The end goal is to help move the Vue ecosystem forward - move tried and true libraries that support. We aim to do so by providing Vue Library authors multiple tools to help them write, build and test their libraries.

  • Our eslint keeps you from making mistakes when writing your libray
  • Our lightweight runtime plugin, combined with our helpful build-time plugin, reduces the amount of work you put into ensuring interoperability.
  • Our testing library takes that same experience to your tests. Write once, run for both versions.
  • Templates let you set up a project quickly.

Work in Progress

The VueBridge Project still is very much a work in progress and not usable in production. Features might not work as expected, pages in these docs might be outdated, missing or incomplete.

Proceed accordingly. If you are interested in contributing, contact us

How can I get started?

  • If you just want to get started, head over to our Quickstart guide and set up a new project for your interoperable Vue library.

  • If want to get a guided tour through all of the things VueBridge can do for you and experience them first-hand, head over to our tutorial.

Or you read on and get a better understanding about the bigger picture first.


Why Vue-Bridge?

If you want to learn more about the why and how of Vue-Bridge and decide wether or not this might actually helpful to you or your project, we recommend visiting the Introduction in our Topics section before getting started with a template:

"Bridging the gap" - Why Vue-Bridge?

About this documentation

This documentation tries to follow the principles of Diataxis. Consequently, this documentation is split into 4 main sections:

Getting Started / Tutorial
This section is all about getting you up and running, either in form of a Quickstart with one of our project templates, or by following the tutorial
How-To Guides
If you need help with a specific problem, chances are you will find a recipe about it in this section
  • If you are already working on an interoperable library, and need help with a specific problem, check our How-To Guides. We also have a [Topics] section more geared towards learning and understanding the broader concepts and underlying ideas of Vue-Bridge as a project and interoperable Vue libraries in general.

Released under the MIT license