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$slots vs. ``$scopedSlots`

Programmatic access to slots is a bit different in both Versions. This page explains those differences and how to deal with them.

The Challenge

In Vue 2, you have two kinds of slots, normal ones, accessible through this.$slots and so-called scoped slots, accessible through this.$scopedSlots.

In Vue 3, on the other hand, slots were unified: all slots are now "scoped", and the API to access them is now this.$slots


You can work around this issue quite easily, but doing it manually is not pretty. That's why @vue-bridge/runtime provides a unified API for slots as well.

Manual workaround

import { isVue2 } from '@vue-bridge/runtime'

// ...

const hasDefaultSlot = isVue2
  ? !!this.$scopedSlots.default
  : !!this.$slots.default

@vue-bridge/runtime Support

The runtime plugin can make this a bit shorter with the provided $bridgeSlots:

import { defineComponent } from '@vue-bridge/runtime'

export default defineComponent({
  created() {
    const hasDefaultSlot = !!this.$bridgeSlots.default


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