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Compatibility Listing

This Page details all of the differences between Vue 2 and 3 that you will have to be aware of and account for when writing cross-compatible code.

Each of the points listed has it's own dedicated page explaining how to deal with it, and how to do so in the safest and easiest way possible.


🔍 EslintCompat can be ensured by an eslint rule
✅ PluginCompat is (at least partially) provided by the @vue-bridge/runtime plugin
👩🏽‍💻 DisciplineCompat needs to be ensured by the developer without tooling support. Following these rules is generally straightforward and low-risk
⚠️ PitfallLike 👩🏽‍💻 Discipline, but with a noteworthy risk of introducing bugs because these are easy to miss

This can seem like a lot, so make sure to read the Guide to learn how to navigate all of this.

🛑 Incompatible

These concern features / syntax that is straight up incompatible, though some have workarounds.

🛠 Compatibility achievable

This section covers featues that are mostly the same in Vue 2/3, but have some special cases and situations where the developer has to make sure to account for limitations or differences.


  • Always Respect Vue 2 Reactivity Caveats ⚠️ Pitfall ✅ Plugin
  • Don't use Maps & Sets in Reactive Data 👩🏽‍💻 Discipline


$attrs / $listeners / inheritAttrs

  • Respect version-specific content of $attrs & $listeners 🔍 Eslint✅ Plugin
  • Always respect $attrs and class/style special treatment in Vue 2 🔍 Eslint✅ Plugin


  • Always configure the emits: option 🔍 Eslint
  • Always respect v-bind order precedence of Vue 3 ⚠️ Pitfall
  • Always use null to remove non-boolean attrs. not false 👩🏽‍💻 Discipline
  • Always respect Vue 3's v-if - v-forprecedence 🔍 Eslint
  • Always use the is prop with special <component> 🔍 Eslint

🧬 Polyfilled by @vue-bridge/runtime

  • v-model prop and event names (patched for Vue 2 by plugin) ✅ Plugin
  • this.$set / this.$delete (removed in Vue 3) ✅ Plugin
  • Some Component Lifecycle Hooks (patched for Vue 2 by this plugin) ✅ Plugin
  • Custom Directives (Lifecycle hook names patched for Vue 2 by plugin)✅ Plugin
  • TODO: defineAsyncComponent() (only exists in Vue 3) 🔍 Eslint✅ Plugin

Released under the MIT license