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Dependency Management

You want to to have a proper setup, which allows you to write, run, test and build your library reliably for Vue 2 and Vue 3. To do this, you will need a bunch of dependencies related testing and building:

DependencyVue 2Vue 3Notes
vue^2.6^3Hoisting to root easily causes problems. PNPM's strictness helps here.
@vue/test-utils^1.0^2.0Installing both versions with packages aliases is flaky. Workspaces are more reliable.
vue-template-compiler^2.6Breaks if vue package is not a matching version

While it is probably technically possible to install all of these into a project with one package.json using package alias names and such,this approach is complicated and brittle, in our experience. In a workspace setup, you can separate these dependencies into their own package.json files and keep them separate.

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